Corporate Currency Hedging Just Got Smarter

There are many benefits to working with us as a corporate company.

  • Highly competitive exchange rates from tier 1 FX providers.
  • Receive payments quickly and easily from international customers
  • Add alpha to your FX exposure through a robust FX treasury strategy
  • Reduce FX volatility and mitigate currency risk
  • Access to sophisticated 3rd party international payments system
  • Budget efficiently for the financial year.
  • Additional credit lines available

Simplifying Foreign Exchange

Treasury First aims to demystify the complexities involved in Foreign Exchange, from simple spot trades to complex option strategies, our team of experts is on hand to help.

Whether your business is involved in importing and exporting goods or services or has a manufacturing plant in China, the fluctuation of exchange rates, if not managed, can have a negative effect on the growth and stability of your business.

Our experts will work with you to ensure that your margins are protected and ultimately, your bottom line.

A robust FX hedging strategy is an essential tool in any modern treasury department. Allow Treasury First to work closely with your business, providing you with the correct tools and knowledge to develop a strategy that best suits your business needs.

The industry leading online Foreign Exchange platform X-Hedge allows for full online account management.

From institutional-grade FX hedging strategies to complex international third-party payments all accessible and made simple at the click of a button.

Our vision at Treasury First is to bring institutional-grade investment banking technology, products, and services to our corporate client base. What was traditionally only on offer to the large multinationals of the world can now be tailored to all of us through our modern, flexible fintech offering.

We provide a dedicated Account Manager who is on hand to help and guide you through each step of the process, from opening an account to navigating X-Hedge. With access to X-Hedge and a personal account manager, you can ensure your business is maximising the tools available and that your FX exposure is managed and protected.

When can Treasury First lend its expertise

One off overseas payment

Managing currency risk when paying overseas creditors

Dealing with complex supply chain invoicing

Investing in an overseas project

Regular payments to an overseas office

Large or small, simple or complex, Treasury First can help

We work with corporate clients in a range of sectors,
including but not limited to


Online Sellers / EBay / Amazon

Exporter and importers



Fashion and Textile


Real Estate

Super cars

Yacht charter and Sales

Are you ready to join us ?

For more information or to speak to our specialists, please fill in the contact form.

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